204th entry

2nd entry of the day..

i had just finished crying...

I told myself that i knew my life is not smooth.. Nothing really good happen to me. Since young, i need to use the hardest ways to get the thing i want. Other can easily can have their wants but not me. I need to work double or triple or even ten times hard works to get the same kind of result.

someone said that alot of ppl love jeremin.. however jeremin felt no one loved her..


Anonymous said…
Ever wonder why LIFE is not smooth? Practically, whos life is not full of UPS and DOWNS? If there is ever such a person, I will feel very sad for them.Its all thanks to these uneven events that takes place in our life and eventually mould US to be what WE are now. Unhappy events are there to make us stronger and Happy events serves us well as Memories. Learn from past experiences and be grateful for what you have now and cherish them. There are Ten and Thousands Of Unfortunate people out there, Feel for them and you will know that you are much more better off.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
fren fren,

Don't be dishearten ok.. In this world or rather in our asian society, saying things that affirm the ones close to you may prove hard or even redundant at times. However, we must never overlook the fact that every human being needs some form of affirmation.

So here it is: I appreciate and love you as my fren Jeremin!!! Hee.. (Not lesbian type of love ok, i am definitely straight.)

And i also want to add that yes, life is not easy for most of us here, we win some, we lose some but one thing u must know and that is u must not stop loving urself. And always remember this when the going gets tough, life is full of ups and downs. After going down, u r bound to be on ur way up again. So, take heart and cheer up ok gal!!!!

Wats important is ur attitude towards life. You can decide whether to be happy or sad as u journey thru good and bad times.

Anonymous said…
did lemon say she's definitely straight? o_O?
anyway, i was the 1 who said every1 loves jeremin. come to think of it, every1 rem u, ask u out, etc...
as for me?
then what's the thing to prove no1 loves jeremin, as u have said?

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