505th entry
Surprise!! Tot u r at the wrong website?? haha.. ya.. a totally new skin.
THe Goong Bears!!! Huarray!!
Fonts toO small?? i agree. I dunno how to change! Let see how.. Mayb change my fonts size to large? Im quite satisfied with myself cos i only spend 2hrs editing.. improvement!!! My last Ouran skin took me 2 days!!
2 days to 2hr? Great improvement.. hope i can add more features into it in future.
Stay tune!!
THe Goong Bears!!! Huarray!!
Fonts toO small?? i agree. I dunno how to change! Let see how.. Mayb change my fonts size to large? Im quite satisfied with myself cos i only spend 2hrs editing.. improvement!!! My last Ouran skin took me 2 days!!
2 days to 2hr? Great improvement.. hope i can add more features into it in future.
Stay tune!!