742th entry

Today is a Sport day for the school and all afternoon session pupils are suspended from this. That mean the pupils will start their school holiday earlier than other by one day.

As for me, a relief teacher, i was not asked to help out the event. That mean i will not be paid for day off.

For past two days, the class had made me even wear off. I tried my very best to control the class. Ask them to do simple tasks and drawing. It ended up with a mess.

Fighting occur. And both parties injuried a pupil who is standing near them. Bleeding at the lip.
Someone locked a water bottle into another classroom's locker and only discover when the class is on the way to assembly hall.
A pupil was drinking his waterbottle and someone bump into him and the waterbottle knocked his front tooth. Bleeding..

All these happened in a day and these incidents need to called parents. As a relief teacher, i only jot the matter down for the form teacher to know what had happened. Also an experience teacher advise me not to called due to my special status. I also dunno how to deal with their parents yet.

Haiz.. seem that im still not up to the standard yet. However the experience teacher praised me for being responsible and able to deal well with such a naughty class.

Am i?


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