697th entry
I had been absent in this blog. It had been a long time and i didnt really wrote what i wished to blog.
It is time that i should start and rewrite more entries to help to brush up my vocabs and grammers. I missed the time that i had heaps of thinkings / ideas to write long pages of entries. However the feeling seem gone. I did not have anything to write except my daily life.
Does it refered that my life became stale?
Whatever.. hope i can keep writing on with feeling and more strong, powerful words.
I think i need a thesaurus.
It is time that i should start and rewrite more entries to help to brush up my vocabs and grammers. I missed the time that i had heaps of thinkings / ideas to write long pages of entries. However the feeling seem gone. I did not have anything to write except my daily life.
Does it refered that my life became stale?
Whatever.. hope i can keep writing on with feeling and more strong, powerful words.
I think i need a thesaurus.