700th entry
This is my 700th entry! huarry...
I knew that kittylab is coming to singapore but the entrance tixs are darn to expensive. $38 per pair exclude $2.50 online booking charges.
I wish to go. It is because last event was "kitty hide n seek" and didnt go come to singapore. Only held at HK. Tat time i was travellling and cannot make it for that trip.
I wish to go badly. But too broke to buy that tix.
I saw there is a contest online. 3 pair of tixs to be won. I quickly joined. Ask dear to join to hope that we will gain a higher chance. However i didnt pin much. I nvr have such a good luck.
However dear is always lucky. He had won a pair of tixs to see hello kitty!!! And he is one of the 3 lucky winners. =)
So... I am going to see hello kitty!!
