715th entry
I had a tiring whole day yesterday. One of my best friends is getting marry and i promised to be one of the sisters for the wedding. Had only 4hrs of sleep and i need to catch an early bus at 6.20am. My mind is totally blank. Half hungry and half sleep. Yet, i cannot allow to sleep on bus as i worried that i will miss the stop. Despite keeping wake, i still MISS the stop.
Had a frightening day surprise when the bride is late and wasn't at her maiden house while the groom had already outside the main road. We were so worried as the schedule is hay-wired. Most impt is that i dunno how to deal with her mum, who is worrying that her daughter will not able to finish the tea cerm before she depart.
I managed to escape the situation by waiting at the void deck until the bride arrival.
Everything went late. Photographer is darn slow... unable to catch that moment and ask them to repeat it again and again. It wasted alot of time for the phototaking...
The whole morning session ended after 2.20pm. Im dead beat and need to reach home for evening session. Since the rest of the grp promised to arrive at 5pm at the restauarnt, i had to depart at 4pm from home. I reach home at 3.30pm. Had a quick shower and bite before depart.
Ended up the group and bride are late. Bride is missing for nearly 2hrs before she appear in front of me.
Helped her and im totally tensed up with this kind of situation. When the attendence is 100% arrived and the bride is 90% done with makeup, both personal assistants and the groom are freaked out.
When the whole process is done, it was nearly 8.40pm. I quickly informed partner to start the 7min montage while we maked out way to the entrance of the restauarnt.
Within the 7min, the bride's eye is totally red. She felt uncomforted with her reddish eyes. She insisted she will not march in with such appearance. One personal assisants (PA), the groom and i were stunned. We need to save the situation before the montage ended.
The PA passed a bottle of eye moist to help to get off the reddish and ran to the locked upstair room to get the eye droplet. She had to be done by less than 5mins. Groom and i keep ask her to use the eye moist to wet her eyes. As min passed, i ensure her that her eye is less reddish. Groom is perspiring cold sweats... By the time, the PA arrived with the bottle. Her eyes is 70% less reddish. She keep moist her eyes until she is ok with it. By then, the door open and both marched in time...
Wahh.. crisis ended.
I have a nice meal before dish 1 to 4 and 6 to 9. I had to stop my meal and accompany bride to dress up her 2nd march in.
I think im too tensed that i had drunk 1 white and half red wine and 2 cup of soft drink. Everyone thought im totally drunk. Someone even mention that i had the smell of the drunken person.
Perhap im slightly drunk. All i want at that moment is to sleep... which is one of my signs to show im drunk.
Had a frightening day surprise when the bride is late and wasn't at her maiden house while the groom had already outside the main road. We were so worried as the schedule is hay-wired. Most impt is that i dunno how to deal with her mum, who is worrying that her daughter will not able to finish the tea cerm before she depart.
I managed to escape the situation by waiting at the void deck until the bride arrival.
Everything went late. Photographer is darn slow... unable to catch that moment and ask them to repeat it again and again. It wasted alot of time for the phototaking...
The whole morning session ended after 2.20pm. Im dead beat and need to reach home for evening session. Since the rest of the grp promised to arrive at 5pm at the restauarnt, i had to depart at 4pm from home. I reach home at 3.30pm. Had a quick shower and bite before depart.
Ended up the group and bride are late. Bride is missing for nearly 2hrs before she appear in front of me.
Helped her and im totally tensed up with this kind of situation. When the attendence is 100% arrived and the bride is 90% done with makeup, both personal assistants and the groom are freaked out.
When the whole process is done, it was nearly 8.40pm. I quickly informed partner to start the 7min montage while we maked out way to the entrance of the restauarnt.
Within the 7min, the bride's eye is totally red. She felt uncomforted with her reddish eyes. She insisted she will not march in with such appearance. One personal assisants (PA), the groom and i were stunned. We need to save the situation before the montage ended.
The PA passed a bottle of eye moist to help to get off the reddish and ran to the locked upstair room to get the eye droplet. She had to be done by less than 5mins. Groom and i keep ask her to use the eye moist to wet her eyes. As min passed, i ensure her that her eye is less reddish. Groom is perspiring cold sweats... By the time, the PA arrived with the bottle. Her eyes is 70% less reddish. She keep moist her eyes until she is ok with it. By then, the door open and both marched in time...
Wahh.. crisis ended.
I have a nice meal before dish 1 to 4 and 6 to 9. I had to stop my meal and accompany bride to dress up her 2nd march in.
I think im too tensed that i had drunk 1 white and half red wine and 2 cup of soft drink. Everyone thought im totally drunk. Someone even mention that i had the smell of the drunken person.
Perhap im slightly drunk. All i want at that moment is to sleep... which is one of my signs to show im drunk.