43rd entry

Wahh... I wish i can find a place to let me hide for a day and most impt is no one will disturb me! Im so tiring... I want to have some peace and own time to do something i want... A month after school reopen and my works seem to be piling like a mountain high... i wonder when i can finish these works while lecturers are rushing to finish those lectures as soon as possible... This month i will be having more lessons and classes. I wonder when i got time to do my works while family are asking me to do those house matters @ the same time... I already cut down my own leisure time and time seem insufficient for me. This is only my 1st month in school and if what will happen when my exams are coming? Also in school, am i too considerate and peoples are tended getting more pushy @ me? I was praised that i am a considerate person for 3 times today. Somehow too considerate making me tiring... Wahh.... all i can do is to have better time management and GRUMBLES...


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