301th entry

I had hardly got time and energy to blog. However i will have more time soon as i had requested to terminate my assignment earlier.

I was too fustrated with my current job as i felt im a ball, kicking me around. I had shifted to 2 branches and headquarter less than 2 weeks. Beside that, i was ordered to shift back one of my previous branch i worked for again. Yesterday I was upset after i was ordered to shift to HQ, just to wrap thousands of invitation pack whereas I was currently busy with one of the urgent and important projects in the branch.

Surprisingly, my mum supported my action of quitting. She described tat i was like an orange, squeezed dry by the company. She said tat she dun need my pay to support the family. Colleen was rather shocked after she heard my mum is supporting me. My mum never supported me to quit a job as it will cut down my allowance to her.

Nevertheless, i already informed the prespective people that i will be leaving soon. My new handphone plan will be postponed until i had saved enough money or someone is kind enough to sponser me a brand new one.


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