306th entry

I didn't update for a couple of days due to this stupid reason.

Ouch.. *trying not to move my neck*

Ya, I had sprained my neck on one particular night and i had a hard time to adapt my neck not to move any inch. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. Any movement will cause my muscle stretched and i will be screaming non stop.

Everyone in the house can't stand me, extreme noise maker and pushed me to see my family doc.

One of the particular conversations between my doc and me.

Me: Doc, i think i had sprained my neck. * my finger was pointing my poor, crocked neck*

*Meanwhile, the doc was trying some stretching on me to see how my injury was*

Doc: what have u done to yr neck until your neck sprained so serious?

Me: Errr....

Friends were asking me whether i fell from my bed or i was dreaming my charming prince to cause such an injury. Non of these reasons were my cause of my injury. The likely reason is i was holding a cordless phone using my neck and shoulder while i was hanging my laundry with both hands at the top of the ceiling.

Thank goodness i did visited him and the medicine was so wonderful. My muscle really reduce the painfulness and making more frequent visits to "sleeping land". I did followed the doc instructions to cut down my quantity of med if i felt the medicine is too strong for me.



pinkballz said…
hope ur neck is better

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