291th entry
My hp is working hard today.. Received a couple of blessing msgs. Well, I will summary those who sent me birthday greetings regardless which methods..
13 Jul 8.16pm Louis (sms) : Hi peipei.. Happy Birthday.. Dont think yr disciple can attend ur bday celeb coz have to work ot on tat day. Sorry
14 Jul 11.00pm ah min (msn) : Happy Birthday to little jeremin! *plus sent me a recordable msg which i can't opened*
15 Jul
12.02 am Colleen (sms) : Happy birthday 2 my little sis hope u can jia you s u wrote in blog n b more cheerful n find a caring n $ bf soon...
12.07am Clar (sms): Happy 25th bday!
12.50am Lemonkiss (egen) : I help u complete the song: Happy birthday to Yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Happy birthda..... (drum rolls) ......ayyyyyyyyyy to Yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
*applause applause*
The lemon takes a bow.. Thank you thank you everybudy..
12.51am Rong~er (blogspot) :
佩,祝你每一天快快乐乐, 笑脸常开,一天比一天过得更精彩,生活永远充满阳光。无论风摧雨大,生活多么的黑暗,请不要忘记你的背后永远有我们着一群好朋友依然陪着你度过酸甜苦辣。在这里献上我永远的友谊,祝福你生日快乐,心想事成。
07.37am Xueling (sms) : Happy Bday my dear fren. Stay Joyful and sweet, enjoy urself and have a great day! :)
07.55am Tricia (sms) : Happy Birthday to U peipei... may u hv a wonderful day and all your wishes comes true. Take care then. :)
01.44pm Huiling (sms) : Press down if u miz me.. miz me.. miz me.. miz me.. i didn't know u miss me so much. Happy bdae!
01.48pm, 0.649pm Weiwei (sms & voicemail) : Hey gal... happy birthday. May all your wishes come true.
06.44pm Ah luan (sms) : Happy birthday, peipei :> wish u good health, beauty, happiness and success in whatever u do.
Oh ya..
Presents & treats received:
3mths ago, i received Clar's red packet and i used it settle part of my harry potter book 6 payment. *waiting anxiously on 16th Jul for its release*. On 30th June, ah min bank transferred me some amt as hong bao to let me get anything i want. During 8 Jul, i got Swensen treat from Dad n Mum. I managed to chop my dear Bro on 9 Jul for Lao Beijing treat. On the 12 Jul, ah luan gave me a pretty silver shimmering bead belt. On the actal bday, 15 Jul, my bro placed a branded folderable tote bag which i have been craving for past two years on my bed. Lucky i didn't kicked it down the bed. I was ordered to pick anything from giordano shop and the bill will be sent to my parents. In the end i picked 2 cropped pants.
Who else haven't pass me presents?? *grinz*
oh... Dad n mum bought me a cake from breadtalk which have 30% off on chill cake. I picked the smallest size (15cm sq) as i dun wanna to have any leftover food in the fridge. It has my fav white chocolate topping on the top of the cake. Beside tat it had hidden fruits on each layer on cream and sponge cake.
13 Jul 8.16pm Louis (sms) : Hi peipei.. Happy Birthday.. Dont think yr disciple can attend ur bday celeb coz have to work ot on tat day. Sorry
14 Jul 11.00pm ah min (msn) : Happy Birthday to little jeremin! *plus sent me a recordable msg which i can't opened*
15 Jul
12.02 am Colleen (sms) : Happy birthday 2 my little sis hope u can jia you s u wrote in blog n b more cheerful n find a caring n $ bf soon...
12.07am Clar (sms): Happy 25th bday!
12.50am Lemonkiss (egen) : I help u complete the song: Happy birthday to Yooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Happy birthda..... (drum rolls) ......ayyyyyyyyyy to Yooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
*applause applause*
The lemon takes a bow.. Thank you thank you everybudy..
12.51am Rong~er (blogspot) :
佩,祝你每一天快快乐乐, 笑脸常开,一天比一天过得更精彩,生活永远充满阳光。无论风摧雨大,生活多么的黑暗,请不要忘记你的背后永远有我们着一群好朋友依然陪着你度过酸甜苦辣。在这里献上我永远的友谊,祝福你生日快乐,心想事成。
07.37am Xueling (sms) : Happy Bday my dear fren. Stay Joyful and sweet, enjoy urself and have a great day! :)
07.55am Tricia (sms) : Happy Birthday to U peipei... may u hv a wonderful day and all your wishes comes true. Take care then. :)
01.44pm Huiling (sms) : Press down if u miz me.. miz me.. miz me.. miz me.. i didn't know u miss me so much. Happy bdae!
01.48pm, 0.649pm Weiwei (sms & voicemail) : Hey gal... happy birthday. May all your wishes come true.
06.44pm Ah luan (sms) : Happy birthday, peipei :> wish u good health, beauty, happiness and success in whatever u do.
Oh ya..
Presents & treats received:
3mths ago, i received Clar's red packet and i used it settle part of my harry potter book 6 payment. *waiting anxiously on 16th Jul for its release*. On 30th June, ah min bank transferred me some amt as hong bao to let me get anything i want. During 8 Jul, i got Swensen treat from Dad n Mum. I managed to chop my dear Bro on 9 Jul for Lao Beijing treat. On the 12 Jul, ah luan gave me a pretty silver shimmering bead belt. On the actal bday, 15 Jul, my bro placed a branded folderable tote bag which i have been craving for past two years on my bed. Lucky i didn't kicked it down the bed. I was ordered to pick anything from giordano shop and the bill will be sent to my parents. In the end i picked 2 cropped pants.
Who else haven't pass me presents?? *grinz*
oh... Dad n mum bought me a cake from breadtalk which have 30% off on chill cake. I picked the smallest size (15cm sq) as i dun wanna to have any leftover food in the fridge. It has my fav white chocolate topping on the top of the cake. Beside tat it had hidden fruits on each layer on cream and sponge cake.
Before i forget.. a thank you msg for all..
Thanks for all those greetings and presents i received from u all.. Glad tat i got such wonderful friends who remember my bday!
Miss u all..
Your sincerely,
Added on:
late blessings from friends..
Rong~er (sms) : Hey, happy bday leh
Wilson (sms) : Happy belated birthday enjoy
Luke (blogspot) : Happi birthday...slipped my mind...dat day jus saw yur bday on my calendar...now forget...paiseh today super busy...
Hope u got ur H.P. book? how's the book? interesting?
s0rry abt it being belated tho..
too bz mugging for exams!
wishing ya great happiness & endless j0y & laughter!