298th entry
Almost 21 hours didn't return home. Stinky.. Yucks..
Return home until 3am yesterday. I had sent someone to hospital after meeting clar and ah min to have dinner. Thanks clar for the treat @ Din Tai Feng! It was quite an expensive meal as i knew tat she is saving hard for her wedding preparation and housing. She rejected the offer that i want to paid her back my share.
After departing , i sent someone to hospital. Tat friend of mine was vomitted non stop and i dragged her down to SGH A&E. Cab came quickly and sent her there. In the hospital, she ran in and out of toilet to vomit until her legs turn wobby. I had lost count of how many time i ran with her to the ladies to help her. SHe is tired, so do I.. Everyone in A & E was in casual clothes except me.. Im still in working suit, high heels - making my feet to pain..
Waited and waited.. Things turned more problems as we waited and the staffs are abit inflexible.
Everyone in the consultation area saw her run in and out of the toilet and ppl there knew she was serious.. Everyone stare her when she cough until vomit. All my plastic bags tat i bring along had used up and kept requesting vomit bags from walking passing by nurse to get more. We still waited 2 hrs to see doc.
Lucky i sent her in ard 10pm and the crowd was less. As we wait, crowd is getting more. TTSH was full and all ambulances were sent over SGH A & E.
Giving 2 weeks of antibotics and we are allowed to get one week due to regulation. Transfer us to see the doc again to request for another one week presciption to get it outside the hospital. Therefore, the doc gave us two week to get it outside. However 2am plus in the morning, where can we get the antibotic when my friend need to consume it immediately? Stupid RIte?
Doing all those lab tests to confirm whether she is pregnant? Oh my goodness, she had already confirmed to doc tat she is not. Still need to do.. lucky it was charged under the basic charge $80.
COnsultation rooms and areas were closed due to cleaning. Now i knew cleaners in SGH are superior than doc. Chased them all to crucial care section to see all those patients. Waited outside in crucial care section with those relatives and friends who are really more serious injury cases. WAited for the prescription, payment and letter of checkup for nearly an hour.
I was inside A& E from 10pm 29th july to 2am 30th july. 4 hours there.
Friend vomited until hungry and no stores in open for her to eat. We went to 7-11 store @ block 4 to get a bite. The staffs were stunned to see two idiots at SGH 7-11 to eat supper. i spent 2.30 to eat an instant noodles and a packet of soya bean drink.
Reach home -3am. Sleepy..
Early morning, mum is hogging me how is my friend's condition. Asking me tons of questions while i was sleeping.. MAking me wake up to answer..
Almost 21 hours didn't return home. Stinky.. Yucks..
Return home until 3am yesterday. I had sent someone to hospital after meeting clar and ah min to have dinner. Thanks clar for the treat @ Din Tai Feng! It was quite an expensive meal as i knew tat she is saving hard for her wedding preparation and housing. She rejected the offer that i want to paid her back my share.
After departing , i sent someone to hospital. Tat friend of mine was vomitted non stop and i dragged her down to SGH A&E. Cab came quickly and sent her there. In the hospital, she ran in and out of toilet to vomit until her legs turn wobby. I had lost count of how many time i ran with her to the ladies to help her. SHe is tired, so do I.. Everyone in A & E was in casual clothes except me.. Im still in working suit, high heels - making my feet to pain..
Waited and waited.. Things turned more problems as we waited and the staffs are abit inflexible.
Everyone in the consultation area saw her run in and out of the toilet and ppl there knew she was serious.. Everyone stare her when she cough until vomit. All my plastic bags tat i bring along had used up and kept requesting vomit bags from walking passing by nurse to get more. We still waited 2 hrs to see doc.
Lucky i sent her in ard 10pm and the crowd was less. As we wait, crowd is getting more. TTSH was full and all ambulances were sent over SGH A & E.
Giving 2 weeks of antibotics and we are allowed to get one week due to regulation. Transfer us to see the doc again to request for another one week presciption to get it outside the hospital. Therefore, the doc gave us two week to get it outside. However 2am plus in the morning, where can we get the antibotic when my friend need to consume it immediately? Stupid RIte?
Doing all those lab tests to confirm whether she is pregnant? Oh my goodness, she had already confirmed to doc tat she is not. Still need to do.. lucky it was charged under the basic charge $80.
COnsultation rooms and areas were closed due to cleaning. Now i knew cleaners in SGH are superior than doc. Chased them all to crucial care section to see all those patients. Waited outside in crucial care section with those relatives and friends who are really more serious injury cases. WAited for the prescription, payment and letter of checkup for nearly an hour.
I was inside A& E from 10pm 29th july to 2am 30th july. 4 hours there.
Friend vomited until hungry and no stores in open for her to eat. We went to 7-11 store @ block 4 to get a bite. The staffs were stunned to see two idiots at SGH 7-11 to eat supper. i spent 2.30 to eat an instant noodles and a packet of soya bean drink.
Reach home -3am. Sleepy..
Early morning, mum is hogging me how is my friend's condition. Asking me tons of questions while i was sleeping.. MAking me wake up to answer..
Don't worry - Not yr dinner affect her. Her coughing led to vomit non stop. Diagnosed tat it is lung infection. Now she is on medication & MC.
Surprisely, she vomitted all sort of things except yr dinner treat. So yr dinner treat had digested..
Hahaha...in defense mode!!!
Anyway jeremin hope yur fren is ok...but the pregnancy test part is stupid...where got pple pregnant keep vomit and vomit one???
What does slang got to do with written English?
In a multi racial country isn't it better to speak and write clearly so that people dont misunderstand or misinterprate one another?
Personal the blog maybe, but when it is on the internet its everybody's domain.
Anyway, I wish Jeremin all the best in trying to improve her language skills.
荣儿 to 可怜的人。。。