18th entry

Quotes times…

I had found this phrase from an email that one of my friend mailed me over months ago. I kept this for sometimes. However, recently my dancing teacher said, “ Please don’t follow your friends, thinking their steps are correct. Maybe you are the one who is right”. This led me to dig this statement out. Hope to share this to anyone who read this.

Remember that what is right isn’t always popular and what is popular isn’t always right.
Everyone make mistake that why they put erasers on pencils.

I found it quite meaningful. Well, I found it pity that the name of the writer of this phrase wasn’t found in that email.


Anonymous said…
Dare to create rather then follow, why follow when u can lead. Creation is more powerful then following, you are who YOU are and its important to realise that you are in control of your life then living your life slogging for the sake of others!

Dare to dream and freed your loafy aspirationS which will bring you one step closer to where you want to be tomorrow instead of being lead astray and left wondering who should i follow?

Dare to change what other's thought is right and wrong, break the tradition and be assertive to your own rights.

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