144th entry

I had been trying the daily problem of the go and seem that im getting lesser errors.. That's great!

I saw the comment from Clar.. Haha.. Ok.. Next time treat u sugar free sweets.. For Bro Jam, he always offering drinks with high calories.. Tat time, mine was a milk shake..

Still having headache.. i suspected to be migraine.. I tink ppl are sick of my complaining abt headache.. Clar is recommanding me to go visit specialist.. I thought there are no cure for migraine.. A lot of questionmarks in my brain..


Anonymous said…
My bro got migraine oso and he went to see a GP, got some medication for him to try it out and sometimes it works. So maybe u'll like to try see ur GP and get some advise? And always remember not to settle on 1 opinion hor, if problem not solve, try seeking a second opinion from a different doctor.. cos u never know if the 1st one u go to is a "gong gong" doctor.. hehehehehe..
Anonymous said…
Headache?... try not to take any medication. Our bodies once subjected to medication will decrease our immunity towards minor diseases. You will get so used to medication and might end up toxicated. Guess you need to exercise more! Hit the gym once, or go to a nearby park for a run, best is the pool!Hahhaa!Increase your body IMMUNITY SYSTEM to fight off these sickness!
Another remedy i 've is to get some isotonic drink such as H2O, 100+ and drink lots of water! Water is the BEST!
Anonymous said…
u get go polyclinic get a referral letter to see a neurologist in hospital. neurologists r specialist treat migraine prob (and any thing to do w/ nerves. regardless stroke or any nerves injury). i work in hospital, so i read some of the patients referral letters. -clar

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