184th entry
I left out someone..
*drumming sound*
The best male leading commentor: Luke
Thank luke. He is always there commenting my blog @ late nite =)
More silly stuffs from lemonkiss.."Title: Jeremin, here's to u...
Hee... Made fun of Jeremin the whole of lunch today.. hahahaha.. She denied any feelings for T but hmmm.. i'm beginning to suspect.. She showed me the little sketch T made on her organiser.. He drew a cross and wrote some silly stuff, of which i still don't get wat he is trying to say. hahahahaha Jeremin, i want to believe ur innocence but I"M CONFUSED!!!! Eeeeehehehehehehehehehe.....By the way, thanks for the award! Hahahahahaaha... Oops, u left out 1 award - Best director: Clar.. hahahahahahaha...
Posted by : lemonkiss"
-_-" err..
I'm innocent.. He jus wish me good luck for my af paper which occur the friday the 13th..